How to manage your weight

How to manage your weight easily:-

Overweight or Obesity is not unfamiliar to us. We all know about overweight or Obesity. Most importantly, this term is affecting our life and this is the leading cause of many diseases or death in the world as well as our country. Bangladesh is a developing country, still our people is suffering from overweight and Obesity.

Ten out of every 100 children, aged 5-18 living in Bangladesh’s urban areas, are overweight while 4% are obese.

Most of the people in our country suffering from obesity not because of the genetic factor or Hormonal imbalance, we can say this is a lifestyle management disease. Before saying so many things I want to discuss Overweight / Obesity.

What is Overweight?

Being overweight or fat is having more body fat than is optimally healthy. Being overweight is especially common where food supplies are plentiful and lifestyles are sedentary.

If you weigh more than 10% of your ideal body weight then you are overweight.

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have negative effect on health.

If you weigh more than 20% of your ideal body weight then you are overweight.

How to measure overweight /Obesity

You can check your BMI (Body Mass Index) Number to know your health status. BMI is the most trusted indicator worldwide to know your health status. So see, what your BMI number is?

Formula: Weight in Kg / Height in m2

Causes of Overweight:

The main cause of overweight/ Obesity is calorie intake > calorie Burn
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle
  • Lack of Physical activity
  • Genetic Problem
  • Hormonal Imbalance (Like Hypothyroidism)
  • Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Poor Nutrition & lack of vitamins and minerals (If you have iron or Vitamin B deficiency then it might tough for losing weight)
  • Frequent intake of rich food & carbonated beverage
  • Eating too much more than body’s required
  • Irregular meal pattern
  • Eating Disorder
  • Mental stress
  • Smoking

Disease Risk from Extra weight

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Risk of Cancers
  • Gout, Arthritis & erectile dysfunction
  • PCOS, Infertility & Pregnancy Complications.

How to manage your weight:

Focus on your Diet & Exercise :-

Weight management is nothing but 80% is diet and 20% exercise, so you have to focus on both things together. You cannot achieve your healthy weight goal by skipping any of the two things.

The science behind weight management is nothing but calorie management, you can reduce your weight by taking low calorie food and exercise. If you emphasize diet and exercise together you can achieve your goal easily and more effectively.

You do not need to skip your meal, or you do not need to follow crash diet or different methods. Remember, eating balanced diet and right portion size is important to manage your fitness.

Cut 500 calories every day from your total calorie it will help you a lot to lose your weight.

Sample Menu for weight loss:

Calorie requirements is different from person to person, so diet should be individualized according to person’s height, weight, age, physical activity level, medical condition and nutrition profile.

So, always consult with your Nutritionist/Dietitian before you start your weight loss goal.

I am giving you some sample menu to help you in believe that losing weight doesn’t mean you have to stop eating.

So, Eat right live healthy.

Breakfast: Timing 7-9

Set 1:

Brown ata ruti 1-2 slice

Leafy and mix vegetables 1-1.5 cup

Egg white 1

Green / yellow salad 1 cup

Set 2:

Oats 25 gram

Skim milk 1 cup

Almonds 2-3 piss


Set 3:

Vegetables Khichuri 1 cup

Mix Salad 1 cup

Chicken /Fish 60 gram

Set 4:

Noodles Mix with vegetables, Chicken & egg white

22 gram dry noodles, 100 gram vegetables, 30 gram chicken and 1 piece egg white

Set 5:

Vegetables or clear Soup 1.5 cup

Brown bread 1-2 slice

Egg white 2

Set 6:

Chira dry 22 gram

Yogurt ¼ cup

Banana ½ (25 gram)

Morning Snack: 10-11.30 am

Set 1:

Pudding 1 slice 25 gram

Set 2:

Tender coconut water 1 cup

Set 3:

Mix fruits 1 cup or

Papaya 40 -60 gram or

Apple /Malta/pear 1 Medium

Set 4:

Fruit juice without sugar 1 cup
Lunch Menu Timing: 1-2 pm

Set 1:

Brown rice 1 cup

Mix Vegetables 1.5 cup

Deshi fish (tengra/Puti/Shol) 60 gram

Dal ½ cup medium dense

Salad 1 cup (Take this 15 minutes before you lunch)

Set 2:

Vegetables Khichuri 1.5 cup

Chicken 60 gram

Salad 1 cup

Set 3:

Steamed rice 1/2 cup

Semi boiled vegetables 1.5 cup

Grilled chicken / steamed fish 80 gram

Evening snack: Timing 4-5 pm

Set 1

Muri (Puffed rice) 1 cup, boiled chola 1/8 cup

Set 2

Popcorn without salt 1.5 cup with 1/6 cup of yogurt

Set 3

Clear soup 1 cup with small bun

Set 4

Mix fruits 1 cup

Set 5

Homemade vegetables roll 1 piece with salad

Set 6

Raw mix salad 1.5 cup

Dinner: Timing 7-8 pm

Set 1

Cornflakes 30 gram

Skim milk 1 cup

Walnuts 4 pcs

Set 2

Oats 20 gram

Mix vegetables 1.5 cup

Cheese 10 gram

Set 3

Vegetables soup 1 cup

Grilled Chicken 60 gram

Brown ata ruti / Bread 1 piece

Set 4

Brown rice ½ cup

Steamed Vegetables 1.5 cup

Grilled Chicken 60 gram

Set 5

Chira 22 gram dry

Milk 1 cup

Banana ½ (25 gram).

Weight management through Diet should follow:

You have to focus on following things, chose foods which will manage your calorie and also supply proper nutrition in your body.

Follow strictly

  • Eat Brown ata ruti or brown rice instead of white rice or ruti
  • Eat leafy vegetables daily to fulfill your daily fiber requirement
  • Drink 2 glass of lukewarm water before 30 minutes of your heavy meal
  • Take 1 cup of mix salad before 15 minutes of your heavy meal
  • Eat slowly
  • Do not drink water during having your meal
  • Do not eat oily foods, use 3-4 tea spoon of oil per head /day
  • Eat citrus fruits everyday like orange, Malta
  • Eat deshi fish and chicken
  • Use small plate
  • Use Olive oil or coconut oil or Sunflower oil or Canola oil, do not use soybean oil continuously.  Especially if you have thyroid problem then you should stop using soybean oil in cooking immediately.

Should Avoid

  • Do not skip your meal
  • Avoid carbonated beverages
  • Avoid the intake of excess tea or coffee
  • Avoid salty foods and extra salt
  • Do not drink water while you are having your meal
  • Do not sleep immediately after eating your dinner
  • Wait at least 2-3 hours after eating your dinner
  • Do not drink tea/coffee after 6 pm
  • Do not take heavy meal after 7 pm
  •  Avoid all kind of sauces and extra oil
  • Do not fry fish or vegetables too much you can eat grilled or steamed

Weight management through Exercise should follow 

  • Set your Exercise goal 150-200 minutes /week
  • You do not need to go to the gym daily can do walk, swim or any free hand exercise 30 -45 minutes daily.
  • Drink water 1-2 glass pure water before starting your exercise
  • Make sure your shoes fit well and socks stay dry and clean
  • Warm up and stretch for 5-10 minutes before you exercise, then cool down for several minutes after you exercise.
  • If you have any health issue please consult with your doctor
  • Walking is the best exercise for everybody

Keep in mind you have to burn 7000 calories to reduce 1 kg of your body weight 

Do not seat long time in a same palace, be active.

Hope this information will help you. Be happy and try to follow as much as you can. You will be fit very soon. Nothing is tough just need to focus.